Thursday, 7 January 2021

Will our system provide justice to Walayar children ?

Questions raised by Walayar In Walayar,Palakkad district of Kerala, two children were sexually abused and and they later committed suicide or murdered in 2017. These deaths did not hurt the Malayalee community as much as the persecution that took place in Uttar Pradesh and Kashmir before and after this incident. It may be because of change of attittude of the public or may be political. In any case, as we have seen in the case of Sister Abhaya, the administration and the judiciary were seen lurking in front of influential persons. The community as a whole has to stand behind that mother to get justice to the innocent girls, but that never happened in this case. The opposition and the media, which chased after Swapna Suresh,who was the kingpin of gold smuggling using diplomatic route , that they thought will benefit politically , not given proper attention to the manipulations happened in the POCSO court ,that freed the accused persons. They didn't take initiative to bring the police system, which was corrupt and mischievous, to the notice of the public. When the prosecutor maliced the duty, it was not the subject of much debate. No matter who rules,such things happens in socially upgraded Kerala society is a shame . Although all the systems in the country stood together to protect Abhaya's killers, in the end, Abhaya somehow got justice, at least to a small degree. For that ,there was a lone fighter , Jomon. The Walayar Justice Committee is the only one to help the mother of these children. The present High Court judgment for reinvestigation is a soothing act that brings trust in our system.Walayar children cannot be considered to have received justice until the defendants receive the death penalty. There are still many crossings. There was only a speck of sunlight in the entire cloudy sky. The light of a full sun must shine. Hopefully that will happen. We need a big change in our system. 1. The High Court says that training should be organized among the judges of the POCSO courts. It is a soft corner attittude towards the judge who comes within the justice system. But there should be a mechanism to dismiss such judges and make them defendants in the case. 2. The court said that insincere and incompetent officers are a disgrace to the entire police force. Should there be a mechanism to dismiss such officers and prosecute them? 3. The court held that the position of prosecutor was not intended to provide employment to those in favor of the administration. - Should there be a system to appoint prosecutors on permanent basis through PSC than posting people who manipulate cases for the ruling party ? It is to be hoped that such systems will be in place in the future to strengthen democracy.

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